Dear my MEN,
this year I really got to know about twenty-five new male faces during my Prostate Massage. In the absolute majority, those health prostate massages. Some of your faces are smiling, some are more gloomy. so if the emotions from the state of your prostate can be “projected” onto your face…
The two or three happier faces wanted to see for themselves, rather out of curiosity, how health prostate massage works on them. That is, what feelings they experience during it… The less cheerful faces had legitimate doubts about the ideal state of their prostate. So they came to confide in their future personal masseuse.
Male prostate during Christmas and New Year
… is in great temptation and danger! It is threatened by more alcohol, sweets and food of various kinds. And certainly less exercise. Maybe even more tobacco. So the same dangers for your prostate.
Take care of your prostate even in a married or partnered state. Where you can strain it for more than a year. Because as you know, the possibility of detoxifying your prostate is certainly a pleasant thing. And such a prostate detox with your partner is certainly a sufficiently meaningful and motivating idea of spending the holidays!
Women’s Fear of Christmas

And in the pictures above I symbolize the natural “women’s fear” of Christmas! Which can also be your men’s fear. Because moderation and a healthy lifestyle at Christmas are a bit suppressed by abundance and plenty!
Think about the lines above and the words I wrote in my last post on my main professional website called “Christmas is a holiday of generosity”. Because despite the joy, well-deserved rest and joy of the Christmas holidays (even if they are again without snow… but fortunately without mud), challenging days of 2025 await us!
WONDERFUL New Year’s holidays, a beautiful New Year and much health and success in 202

And above all, PEACE to all people of good will!
MarieKarolína – personal masseuse & therapist
the best prostate massages in Prague