Massage Prague, Mánesova 813/4, 120 00 Prag 2 - Vinohrady

In order to avoid a lot of questions about Prostate Massage , most
frequent Questions and Answers to them here as Questions and Answers:

The online reservation system will be in operation from August 15, 2023. Why I decided on this single communication channel for ordering I write here.

You come for a massage. Optional initial shower. The massage takes place
exclusively on my massage table. We try the massage for the first
time in 3 positions. Every man is comfortable in a different position.
Repeated massage already in a position that is comfortable for you. The
massage has an introductory part, which is usually the longer one
(individually), leading to the relaxation of the necessary muscle
parts. The second part is the actual massage of the prostate gland.
Shower after the massage. More detailed procedure and other info.

I massage my fingers. When doing internal prostate massage through the
perineum, I naturally wear a disposable medical elastic glove.

I’ll avoid the tricky questions: I don’t use any anal vibrator or other
aids. You are getting a HEALTH massage and not an erotic massage. The
most important thing is that I have to feel with my finger whether
your prostate gland is enlarged, excessive or flexible, etc. I adapt the
massage of your prostate to this.

Most of the men are completely naked. Actually, I don’t remember another
case. Due to the area of ​​the massage and the initial relaxation part
of the massage, it is practically realistic to have a tank
top/undershirt or a T-shirt at most. The sunbed is heated, you won’t be

Practically similar to your other health beneficial massages. Since
2011, actually non-stop. I have a really rich experience. In addition, I
am a very empathetic masseuse and therapist. So I can empathize with
your feelings.

For the first time, about 60 minutes, because we usually try three
positions during our own prostate massage. Which position will be
comfortable enough for you? Already repeated prostate massages are 45
to 50 minutes, depending on the need for an initial shower.

I HIGHLY recommend ejaculating during the final shower. This will
flush out the toxins that were released during the massage. This
ejaculation is really more than welcomed by your prostate.

I look forward to seeing you,

MarieKarolína – personal masseuse & therapist

Masáž prostaty |

Otevírací doba
Po-Čt 8:00-20:00
Pá 8:00-19:00

Mimo uvedenou otevírací dobu po domluvě.

Masáže Studio Praha
Mánesova 813/4 120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady

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