Massage Prague, Mánesova 813/4, 120 00 Prag 2 - Vinohrady

A stimulating prostate massage will reveal two faces to you. The first beneficial to health and the second as an engine of your sexuality. Discover both sides of your prostate before…

Who I am?

A masseuse with many years of experience, when I stopped counting the years of my experience. Prostate massage is beneficial for health. The positive effect on your prostate is high and sometimes exceeds medical treatment.

What can prostate massage help you with?

Prostate health

Prostate massage is often used as a therapeutic technique for men suffering from inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) or to release muscle tension in the prostatic ducts. Regular prostate massage can help improve blood flow, remove any accumulated toxins and promote prostate health.

Sexual pleasure

The prostate is an important part of the male sexual system. Prostate massage can stimulate and develop sexual pleasure by increasing sensitivity, intensity of orgasms and bringing new sexual experiences. Some men also report that prostate massage can help overcome erectile or ejaculation problems.

Relieve tension and stress

Prostate massage can have a relaxing and relaxing effect on the whole body. When done correctly, it can help release muscle tension in the pelvic floor area and reduce overall stress and tension. This can lead to improved comfort and physical and mental relaxation.

Are you ready for a new experience?

Masáž prostaty |

Otevírací doba
Po-Čt 8:00-20:00
Pá 8:00-19:00

Mimo uvedenou otevírací dobu po domluvě.

Masáže Studio Praha
Mánesova 813/4 120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady

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